Krakatoa is currently an active volcano. It has been rumbling since it's last eruption in 1883. If you are curious about moving to Indonesia it is safer to live in the inner part of the islands and not on the outer part near beaches. This is because Krakatoa is a currently active. If Krakatoa were to have another major or even minor eruption a tsunami could attack the villages and houses near beaches in Indonesia. In 1883 during Krakatoa's major eruption it set off a tsunami that killed around 36,000 people! This information does not mean that living in Indonesia is unsafe it just means that if you plan on living in Indonesia take precautions.  There is a monitoring station on the island of Java, which is near Krakatoa.  This station, set up by the goverment of Indonesia, moniters seismic activity on the island. There is also more equipment on the island.
The picture below shows tsunami's being set off by Krakatoa. As the color gets lighter (Red to Orange to Yellow to Green) the tsunami's energy decreases.